Differences Between Authoritarian and Authoritative Parenting

compared to authoritarian parents

While compared to authoritarian parents, authoritative parents are likely to have similar-sounding names, there are significant differences in their approaches. Authoritative parents set strict rules and standards but also provide lots of warmth and nurturing. They also are willing to negotiate and compromise with their kids when they need to. Authoritarian parents, on the other hand, tend to be more harsh with their discipline and don’t always communicate well with their children. They often believe that their role is to bend their kids’ wills to those of authority, arguing that willfulness is the root of all misbehavior and sin.

Authoritative vs. Authoritarian Parenting: Striking the Right Balance

In this parenting style, children don’t get to voice their opinions or feelings about parental decisions. When a child questions or challenges their parent’s decisions, an authoritarian parent will often be inflexible and cold in response. They may blame their children’s behavior on a lack of training or other factors outside of their control.

An authoritarian parent will be quick to scold or punish their child without giving them a chance to explain themselves. They may use harsh, arbitrary punishments or rely on emotional tactics like name-calling and yelling to get their point across. They rarely, if ever, discuss their discipline with their children or take their emotions into account when disciplining them. This style of parenting can result in poor communication and low-quality relationships between parents and children. Children of authoritarian parents are often rebellious and impulsive, and they can have difficulty managing stress and conflict. They are also prone to depression and anxiety, which can lead to substance abuse or school problems.