How to Enroll in Medicare

enroll in medicare

If you’re in your early 60s and receiving Social Security benefits, you’ll be automatically enrolled in Medicare. You can sign up online, over the phone, or at the local Social Security office. Online enrollment takes no more than 10 minutes. Those without a retirement plan, however, can apply to enroll in Medicare. However, understanding the enrollment process is important to avoid mistakes. The initial enrollment period lasts from the month of your birth to three months after you turn 65. Find out –

It’s Easy To Enroll In Medicare

Generally, Medicare is open to people aged 65 or older. People under the age of 65 with a disability or permanent kidney failure can enroll in Medicare. To enroll, contact Medicare enrollment services three months before the month of your 65th birthday. If you miss the initial enrollment window, you can wait until the General Enrollment Period, which lasts for seven months after your 65th birthday. This will give you sufficient time to enroll in Medicare without facing any late enrollment fees.

While the cost of Part A is almost never a concern, you may choose to wait until you’re 65 to enroll in Medicare Part B. This way, you’ll be able to qualify for secondary Medicare benefits, like hospital-related care. And, best of all, there’s no premium to join Part A. But if you do decide to enroll in Part B, make sure you sign up during the Special Enrollment Period.